Bubba Fett

I couldn’t watch. I tried, but I was frustrated by the lack of sheer pissed-offness Biden should have been showing.

It’s probably russian propaganda, but if it’s not, burning products “in protest” is just another from of attention-seeking.

I’d say it’s clearly influenced by “Let’s Get It On” but so are dozens of other songs. The tempo and groove are the same, but the lyrics and melody are different.

Romney has to keep the Mormons happy.

I have complete faith that the Republicans will do the wrong thing. This will end, one way or another, with a right wing husk in in a packed court.

McConnell knows the rules are arbitrary and only apply to democrats and never republicans. We all should know this.

The OP is clearly a troll.

God fucking damn it.

Astro? No? My!

So, is anyone going to mention that the design wasn’t Jeep’s to begin with?

;) This may just be an elaborate scheme to get people to watch other racing events. I’m not sure yet, but I like it.

I like the idea of a street course for Indycar. I hope this becomes a common thing. It makes races more interesting, and can be a good thing for local economies.


5. There’s always The Books of Magic, about a young boy with messy hair and glasses who, with his pet owl, learns to fight evil with magic. It was published 7 years before Harry Potter.

Calling the authorities and telling them you thought it was a deer is a great attempt at covering one’s ass.

We shall see how it turns out.

It’s called a flashlight. It enables visibility in the dark and everyone should have one in their car or on them at all times.

“Honey, what did the pregnancy test say?”

I hope this family sues the shit out of the school system. 

They like the fucker because he is hurting “them” and that’s all that matters. They will gladly suffer from shitty healthcare, low paying jobs, and the dissolution of democracy as long at “they” suffer worse. They hate “them” more than they care for themselves.

And they don’t even remember who he is.