He is and always has been a fraud.
He is and always has been a fraud.
Vote like it’s the last chance you will ever get. Because it very well may be.
The republicans have *clearly* demonstrated that they care about power more than country, or even party. The party of Lincoln is long dead and buried. It has been replaced by a madman and his enablers.
Then you can cross the streams.
I have well over 1000 CDs. I’m in too deep to stop now.
I can see this backfiring and hurting republican voters, but apparently the places where sorting machines are being removed just *happens* to be in blue states, and blue areas of red states.
Exactly. He has a financial incentive to destroy the USPS.
This is textbook corruption on top of attempted election fraud. These people NEED TO GO TO PRISON.
These proud boys, boogaloos, look thirsty. Maybe they all need some molotov cocktails.
Dickless losers with shit for brains.
Sepultura. (after Max left)
I guess this explains his new war on shower heads.
It’s amazing how these kids can be reaching for the cops’ guns while running away and getting shot at - all at the same time.
I’d make Election Day a national holiday. We should be celebrating that day just like we do Independence Day.
Those are electric hybrid and vehicles, not small fuel efficient vehicles, and they will come at a price premium. My point still stands.
Also, Ford has been in financial trouble for years.
Because if gas prices go up (and they will) then demand for smaller/fuel efficient vehicles will go up, and Ford will have nothing to offer them. Same thing that happened in 2008/2009. They didn’t learn their lesson.
Customers who want entry-level vehicles go with Toyota, Honda and Nissan, or they simply go with a pre-owned car.
Ford is in trouble, and Farley is gonna be the fall guy. I figure in a few years someone will buy the company. Probably GM or VW, or maybe a Chinese company.
I was gonna say this. They have multiple officers yelling conflicting commands, making it impossible to follow their instructions. One cop yelling “keep your hands in the air and don’t move” while another yells “get out of the car” creates a situation where the person cannot comply.
It will work.
Because GM is lazy and wants to do what they have always done: badge engineer the same platforms with a little different sheet metal.
It’s all about short term profits. They don’t give a shit if they shoot themselves in the foot by handing market share over to the competition.