Bubba Fett

I’d be surprised it it doesn’t happen before election day. They are salivating at the chance to kill.

Looks like you might have a little rust here:

I’d drop the Escape before I’d drop the Edge. There’s also the Bronco and mini-Bronco coming, so their SUV lineup is gonna be crowded. 

1. All police officers should have a minimum of two years of law enforcement/criminal justice training, with required continual yearly training hours. No fresh-out-of-high-school rookies.

Maybe Germany was wrong to ban the Nazi flag then? 

It’s literally the flag of losers. 

They went around in circles before deciding this.

dontburnthings1 is a racist piece of shit and a troll who should drink a gallon of bleach and then eat a bullet for dessert.

If trump said it, they would all look like a bunch of bobble-heads nodding in agreement. 

trump: “Everyone hates me. I need someone to be a bigger asshole and draw some of the heat away from me.”

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Police don’t always shoot people directly in a back or face with a CS gas shell, except when they do. They don’t always hit reporters with riot shields and batons, except when they do. They don’t always coral protesters into confined spaces and then gas them, except when they do. They don’t always kill black people

I was being sarcastic. I thought the fact they put a pallet in the truck showcased the nearly functional brainpower these dudes had.

That’s what the pallet was for. Just grab it and pull.

The reality is it’s closer to the Batman comics, where a majority of cops are bad, creating the need for a masked vigilante in the first place.

If these things had happened in a middle eastern country, we’d be launching air strikes and would be gearing up to “liberate” them.

“Someone as despicable as Hitler didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons.”

-Sean Spicer, an eternity ago.

Box of yo-yos.

These are the actions of desperate man. This is the only thing his warped mind could come up with.

It was probably really heavy to him.