Bubba Fett

McConnell is the single greatest threat to Democracy in America. Even if trump loses the next election, nothing changes as long as Moscow Mitch remains the senate majority leader. He and the other Repugnant senators will just block anything the Democrats attempt to do.

This looks like a high performance suppository.

How would this look parked down by the river?

I call bullshit. It obvious what’s really happening.

If you think trump is your new savior, then crucify the fucker and see what happens in three days.

Never change, Torch. Never change.

Totally dig that. Plus gas engines sometimes don’t work so well at certain steep angles, which is why propane mods are common with off roaders. Electric motors wouldn’t have this problem.

I hope he pisses himself in public and falls down a long flight of stairs.

McConnell is an actual piece of shit formed into a humanoid form. He’s basically Frosty the Snowman, but made of various excrement instead of snow.

I wish him hell.

It’s really amazing how incredibly stupid people can get rich and famous. I’ve seen mesh bags that hold more water than this brainless dolt.

A lot of people have been blown away by these air bags.

I can’t find any reasonable justification for turning this car into an F40 wanna-be. This was done by someone with a lot of money, but no taste.

It’s missing the trump sticker.

Back then, your face was the crumple zone.

GM should revise the Camaro with a basket handle, bubble rear hatch, and optional T-tops. This would:

I remember seeing concept art for exactly this many years ago.

“I feel like I’ve been called.”

This represents everything I hate about modern gaming.

Username checks out.