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    That’s a good point re: the rear differential split. One of the things I used to mentally justify an S4 was that with the vectoring rear differential, the understeer was controlled. And, for the most part, it is. Granted, it’s abrupt,and does force you into “slow in, full throttle middle” cornering to get the rear

    I saw talk of this in audizine.com this morning.... thanks for the detailed explanation. Someone linked an interesting video showing a slo-mo shot of a Ford product with a similar system, and, sure enough, you can see the front wheels slip, and *then* the rear traction kicks in. So, more evidence of FWD bias. That’s

    Bingo. It’s actually the opposite. The Saudi-driven price drop has had the effect of pushing out the Mom and Pop frackers. They bailed, and guess who was there to pick up the pieces? Halliburton, ExxonMobil, etc, who bought up all the debt service during the bubble and rolled it in. The big boys will drive down the

    So much yes. Only for the Church of Tesla could the massive pain in the ass of having to travel 1 day out of your way because of inadequate infrastructure be spun into a positive.

    One of the very few things where Audi is cheaper. They don’t have a TPMS sensor, per se, but instead use the ABS sensors to detect the different rotational rate of an underinflated tire.

    Problem is, without the top level drivers in Trucks/Xfinity, there are much fewer sponsors in Truck/Xfinity. At that point, we’d be running 10-12 cars or trucks per race.

    I’m torn. On one hand, the Chase format sucks, and moving it to the lower divisions is a huge mistake. On the other hand, any format that keeps that little shitter Sliced Bread from hoisting a trophy is a winner in my book.
