Nobody puts baby in a corner?
Nobody puts baby in a corner?
I prefer to live in a universe in which this entire article was a setup for that joke.
Oh thanks, I didn't no that.
I got a Big Red No notification for this?
And here I thought in AV Club land a B+ was pretty aces. I'm perfectly happy not being a driver of review inflation, thank you very much.
I see 4chan-brand anarchy has wandered in, @avclub-a43012a332fc066e7ecf57a9b678fb51:disqus . Glad you've brought an edge to this party.
Has anyone called that 800 number yet?
This is terribly paced.
Dammit, I own that game. Now I have to do a shot.
I've tried that too. Didn't work for me either.
That Nazi joke is a bridge too far, O'Neal.
I suppose a beastiality joke here would be in bad taste…
Ah yes. The USMC. I always see posts like that and, in order not to think of my cousin the Marine who would probably cheer guys like that on just to be a dick (he's a huge dick), I reflect on how disappointed Jethro Gibbs would be in these fine young men.
I'm reading Phi, by Giulio Tonomi. I rather like it so far; it's like the Divine Comedy, but smaller scope and in modern English.
The site design really isn't bad. I guess somebody on Dole's staff was prog- eh, forward-thinking.
The site design really isn't bad. I guess somebody on Dole's staff was prog- eh, forward-thinking.
Something something smoked sausage.
Something something smoked sausage.