
The Jews, and also they have enormous dicks.

You said bee! Now you have to talk slightly faster for the rest of your life.

Well, did he call Putin a pinhead or not?

I'm here, aren't I

Wait the Coco Puffs thing or the other one

OK yeah, great, but what's he culpable for when luring the bandits to an abandoned house in New York

Let me know when he can handle "immanentize" and I'll think about being impressed

I'm surprised no one has a drone video of Wrigleyville.

Who the hell are you

The Cheerios bee sounds an awful lot like Roger Klotz.

Joe, tell me you didn't go around the office asking everyone if Garrison Keillor looks like the owl from the Tootsie Pop commercials.

Google the Rolling Jubilee, they were doing the same thing.

You're Thor?

*nearly all art

It was downright disrespectful not to let Leia bury her husband, also.

Once you post, escape becomes impossible.

Arrest this man!

Sorry to hear you're an ass man. Breast men have their own drink, you know.

perhaps the blockquote tag