
This movie feels like it absolutely needs an extended version, a lá LotR. There was just so much movie in that movie, and everything after the SPOILERS Cotillard reveal was so anticlimactic. I just need more, Nolan.

Seriiously, fuck  you.

Seriiously, fuck  you.



I prefer Transatlanticism.

I prefer Transatlanticism.

Why would I support this project? I already sunk $100 into Dick Figures the Movie. I'm not made of money trees.

Why would I support this project? I already sunk $100 into Dick Figures the Movie. I'm not made of money trees.

Nowadays being part of the miniscule fraction of human history in which "comedian" is a way to earn a living, that fraction being a tad bigger than the fraction in which wars have rules that include "hey guys, no raping."

"The Pilot Farted a Bunch and I Shit Myself: The Book."

"The Pilot Farted a Bunch and I Shit Myself: The Book."

what if the Giver is Da Vinci?

what if the Giver is Da Vinci?

One of the best things about the ALA is its absolute commitment against censorship. I get into all kinds of arguments with people who say "we have to draw the line somewhere." Yeah, parents do, not librarians. This is a pluralistic society, and fuck you if you think you can control the movement of speech within it.

One of the best things about the ALA is its absolute commitment against censorship. I get into all kinds of arguments with people who say "we have to draw the line somewhere." Yeah, parents do, not librarians. This is a pluralistic society, and fuck you if you think you can control the movement of speech within it.

I came to the comments to write some overly-long comment detailing my thoughts about this episode, the series as a whole, Joss Whedon as a creative persona, and the entire universe as it is encapsulated by Firefly, trying to sound all the while as pretentious as possible, but eh.

I came to the comments to write some overly-long comment detailing my thoughts about this episode, the series as a whole, Joss Whedon as a creative persona, and the entire universe as it is encapsulated by Firefly, trying to sound all the while as pretentious as possible, but eh.

@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus  I assure you that, on the hole, chocolate in Europe is miles ahead of whatever shit they use to make Hershey's over here.

@avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus  I assure you that, on the hole, chocolate in Europe is miles ahead of whatever shit they use to make Hershey's over here.