Huh. Now look who the stupid one is. OOPS!
Huh. Now look who the stupid one is. OOPS!
I love going back and reading all these comments. LOL
Oh look. Another keyboard badass calling for action. LOL
It’s a little known fact that the Venn diagram of people who talk about curb stomping folks and the people who piss themselves when someone looks at them sideways in public is a perfect circle.
They don't listen to you because they are embarrassed they raised such a sniveling pissant.
LOL You're not doin shit, sissy.
I totally believe everything went down exactly as this man said it did.
A “cigar” lol
Dang. I've called off cuz I didn't feel like putting on socks.
And also..... Your dad is going to pay the doctor bills!
You sure like to type a lot.
How did you just move on like that? No meetings with city leaders? No prayer vigils? Therapy? At least tell me you got everyone in that joint fired and that location shut down. Can you link me to your gofundme?
Point to where it says the caller was white. Also, fuck off.
Wanna bet?
Quit being a pussy.