
You are pathetic.

I can’t wait to see the neighbors surveillance cam footage. Hope mr Roberts at least wore a mask.

An example of this is a lot of this same immigration crap went down under Obama. Go find a root article screaming about it....I’ll wait. It seems a few short years ago this shit was ok, or at least tolerable.

You should see about having your meds adjusted, you hysterical freak.

You’re not serious?

LOL You racist.

Yeah. Apparently they found the logical, non-hysterical sort of dem. Rare indeed.

Oh no! I guess I’m in really really really big trouble now! Fuck off cunt.

I’m a white cunt. But not in this video. Why? What you got?

I’m not your google bitch, dumbfuck. You brought it up. If you don’t have your facts together maybe shut the fuck up.

Eat shit


First they came for the edgy editorial cartoonist, and I did not speak out because I was not an edgy editorial cartoonist.

Those damn white people need to mind their fucking business and stop calling the police on this man for petty bullshit. SMH

Oh look. An Internet badass. How rare.

LOL I love dipshits behind their keyboard calling for action!

.........I do not wonder how it feels to be immune from sin; to be immortal. The luxury of never having to face the consequences for one’s misdeeds is a uniquely American type of invulnerability.......

Man you are a dumbfuck. That’s not what that sign means, stupid.

Who the fuck said all? That store probably had six of them along with many others you could chose from. You seriously triggered by a card?? LMAO

Yeah this did not happen and these screeching idiots fall for it every time.