hell fucking yeah ryan. you do you.
hell fucking yeah ryan. you do you.
this is just tremendous
Terry is a prick. Every time I see that “captain leader legend” bullshit it makes me nauseous.
I was at Larry’s last game in Queens. I was hoarse for a week.
I get it
It is one tiny piece, blown up out of context
or that time he jumped when he threw. boy oh boy.
I don’t argue that he wasn’t a great hitter. I argue that his numbers and status are inflated, very much the product of a favorable situation and the team for which he played.
At least I own my hate. Own your love. We’ll all be happier.
You’re crazy if you think batting average means as much as you’re suggesting, yes
man if you seriously think slash lines mean this much you are living in another century, i’m not wasting my breath on this, good luck.
No, I assume that as a Yankee fan, you’re incapable of objective evaluation of your own team, which you’ve done nothing to disprove.
holy freaking god. as if average is even remotely representative of a player.
1) Nice try, but wrong team
mhm, so put up. because he was nothing but a product of a good situation. get over yourself. it’s not 1997, Suzyn.
he was top ten TWICE. find me your stats. sorry that your boy is just a shill who was lucky enough to be on the right team at the right time. grow up.
he was a “great captain” because every front-running mouth-breather who grew up in the 90's couldn’t wait to hitch their wagon to the next marketable “star”
I suppose you’ve not seen the popular vote. That’s okay, you’re living in world devoid of facts anyway.