oh my gosh it’s the perfect hockey child
oh my gosh it’s the perfect hockey child
would have been nice to sign a defender or two
heartbreaking for one of England’s historic clubs. sounds like a similar situation as happened at Portsmouth not too long ago. hope the club can stay afloat.
usually i’d find it hard to root for STL given my hatred of the Cards but this was an easy one. glad to see Blues fans finally get their long-awaited Cup.
does this now count as a cold take
UEFA doesn’t give a shit and either does FIFA
as an Arsenal supporter with definitely no anger about the Champions League final, I, for one, cannot at all relate with these kinds of things.
i started laughing out loud after the free kick. what can anyone do? what more does he have left to prove?
it’s not even April yet, David. are we really having existentialist Mets crises already?
How much longer? Trick question. They’re already not. Citi Field has less seats than Shea under some guise of being more “intimate,” but it’s just for suites. This is the model everywhere. Anyone saying otherwise is selling something.
I let my SI subscription lapse last year after two decades. Glad to see I’m not missing much.
as a New Yorker I generally hate all things Philadelphia, but something about Big 5 basketball always captivated me. sad to see things like this.
it broke my heart when he was briefly with the Yankees, because it meant I had to root against him. has any contemporary player been more universally beloved?
Gettleman has turned this franchise into some frankenstein combination of the worst parts of the Knicks and Mets in less than a year
I’m already nauseous
brb gonna jump off a bridge
yes yes inject this directly into my veins as i watch my club do crap that is just as stupid if not more so