
This very conveniently leaves out the price per pound, which is the MAIN thing people base ground beef buying decisions on. Also when you click on the link it AGAIN does not tell you the price per pound, I’m going to be crass here and say THIS IS HORSESHIT (figuratively). I’m very disappointed that Kinja deals is not

This very conveniently leaves out the price per pound, which is the MAIN thing people base ground beef buying

So you identify as your genitals? “Hi, my name is so and so and I’m a penis” 

Nice diverse group who can take each take an interesting view on manhood that many may not be able to. Good job, Lifehacker.

Ketchup+Vodka. Right?

Right but from my perspective, we don’t talk about say, brushing your teeth like that. We’re not like “Find a toothpaste and a toothbrush that you love, and that’ll help you stick to it!” We say “Brush your fucking teeth, because otherwise your teeth will rot out.” People tend to look at exercise as 1) optional and 2)

Yep! Teach them how to Google, and also how to look critically at what they find on Google.

The numerical answer is 13, 13 times a month. Three times a week with an extra romp slipped in for spontaneity. Be sure to stay away from the Joneses though. They’re problem starters.

This is a nice piece of writing, but the basic thesis of it is that external motivation doesn’t work, which is just not true.

I just stick a whip-creme can in my mouth and press the button. A delicious suicide.

uhhh huhuhu.. boobs

"Is it cold in here"? - Austin Powers

Separate accounts doesn't mean separate finances. We have separate accounts (all joint) so that we know where we stand with finances. When we had a joint account for our debit cards it was very difficult to keep track of the money because of the delay before it showed up on our statement or online.

Also, whole milk tastes better. Also#2, skim milk is white water.

When did it become commonplace for people to receive PS4s, iPads, iPhones, XBox Ones, etc. for Christmas? Every year, it surprises me. When I was a child (middle class), me and everyone around me got 1 "expensive" gift and some smaller gifts, but these came nowhere near a PS4 or anything like that. Now I see people

I just know that wearing a t-shirt wouldn't force me to work any less. Worked pretty well during all of my years of school and if I were to notice my performance suffering, I would blame myself rather than my shirt.