You may have stumbled on the actual reason for the delay.
You may have stumbled on the actual reason for the delay.
I’m usually a Morning Shifter unless I ate dinner too late the night before, then I’m an At Work Shifter.
2nd Gear: “GM, to its credit, also ranks highly in terms of gender equality in the workplace, pay equity, parenting leave and more. With luck they become the model for the rest of the auto industry on those fronts.”
They’re still going to cost, what, $30k? For a bed that I can’t even put a hockey stick in and less actual utility than a crossover (I can’t believe I just wrote that)? What’s the fucking point?
So yeah, they’ll probably sell like crazy.
Kill me now.
As you may know, an open diff will just send power to the wheel with least resistance.
Fail Rated.
Next on the list - transparent aluminum.
I would much prefer to live next to a man like David Tracy, that would stop to help you out if you pulled into your spot with a flat tire, than some self important busybody asshole that would call the HOA for working on your car in your parking spot.
I’d much rather be neighbors with David Tracy than live in a place with an HOA.
Your landlord sounds like a nice person to have a beer with.
Fuck. That. Shit.
Usually dicks take up two parking spaces, so this one should be considered polite.
Owning a diesel car in America is definitely an unusual experience. Besides panicked gas station attendants running towards me yelling “No, miss! That pump is diesel!” and me saying “No shit, idiot,” I am most often asked if I’m worried about starting my diesel in the cold.
GM Part Number: 71435862 - Grill Mounted Selfie Stick
Pshaw. Optimus Prime has had a disappearing trailer since the mid-eighties!
Hate to sell but I’m underwater on it.
If do the restoration the price goes up.
So they took a regular frame, made it have a taller ride, and added a couple more jumper seats to say it now sits 7.