
And people wonder why Nintendo barely gets any respect.

Its called a home run.

Mericlessly making Kerbals crash into the planet is violent.

Hahaha. Its not like I have a choice of what to play or anything

That comes as a shock to me. I dont even know Watt you are talking about.

"Welcome to the Glorious PC Master Race, where we shit on consoles for exerting too much power while making you save money on electric bills. Enjoy console peasants!"

I was neighter Supporting or putting down killzone. I was emphazing how stupid it is to stick to just one console.

Yea. My Gaming PC plays Killzone better than my... oh wait.

So all the poor kids can have what I have?

Yes. I have a mini hdmi - HDMI and it works fine. The only problem is, my huge desktop has to be next to the tv ~_~


Fez is 2.50$ and Far Cry 3 is 7.50$.

His name is Link amiright?

Just in case...

IM black btw

I like how to Xbox is sourrounded by Tv channels

Much better than VGX's footage.

“From here, once we've finished our server/client architecture—because we're moving it [to] an MMO model—we're reviewing the situation of that in June, and then we do an alpha, just like Minecraft. People pay X amount of dollars and they get early, cheap access to it, and then once it's beta, price goes up, maybe,