
He said it would be cheap. 30$ is not cheap.

Very blood.

Because people like it that way.

Sandbox mode with time trials and things to make it more than just messing around.

Mixed Breed

He is not worthy of the power he possesses.


Exactly. I just want the controller. I already have the steambox :)

Will it look weird a 15 year old, 250 pound dude carrying around a blue 3ds playing Pokemon? I want to get back to Nintendo and 150$ is a great deal for a 3ds + Pokemon X. Should I go for it?

Responded to the wrong person. lol

Get your spatula and hair net.

He deserves the job he has.

This makes Sony win the console war.

I meant the Build Your Own from the gamefly via PC. :)

Might I suggest people wait for the build your own bundle and wait for the steam sale on the 19th.

Thanks to all gaming news everywere, I cant claim mine :(

Kids already play COD. This would be a great idea.

It all comes down to the