
Maybe it was rejected because you were too bold...

Click Bait

Your toddler will learn to walk one day. Relax, it will happen. You can begin to worry if it doesn’t happen by age 15.

ONLY axe murders run without music

blood has iron.

(Punches kid in face)

I thought I was going to read: “Hand kids to boarding agent, watch door close, wave goodbye as you push away from the gate.

STOP abusing HDR!

It’s a typical millennial response.

Tried it, but too boring.

I was expecting to read - “Get a DUI and find a good book at the county jail”.

Babies are so stupid!

Is it a coincidence that most of these corporations push for “liberal” / “Progressive” agendas?

He’s trying to sell books by dividing the races.  Don’t fall for it.  Stop watching TV and do your own research.  Don’t be lazy.

This is assuming that the pork is raised, culled, and stored in strictly regulated countries.

For god’s sakes, whatever you do, do NOT get into the ring with that kick boxer.

But how will the robots find me when the war kicks off?

Some people take things to the extreme -> Gout

I save $$$ by first wiping my butt with it pre-heat it...

You’re husband is a realist. Plus, this encourages them to learn how to use the sh*tter like everyone else - Barbarians!