
Christ. Tragedy binds disparate peoples in common purpose because nothing unites like a threat from the outside. This is a very basic fact of the human condition.

That FOX wants to take one of the few events in our history that most Americans were able to unite around in some fashion (I was old enough to vote in the

I swear this family is like if VC Andrews wrote one of her typically fucked up sagas but about a business/political dynasty.

No one got the “dad wants to fuck you and not me” reason that Don Jr. hates Ivanka?  That should be low-hanging fruit right there.  

I wrote “broken” because that’s how a narcissist like Trump would see autism. And Barron is definitely on the spectrum, anyone can see that without having a license to diagnose.

Why would he? He’s in the best spot because daddy has no expectations of his “broken” child but to be quiet and not embarrass him. 

Bingo. As the youngest of 10 birthed by the Queen of Narcissism herself, I’m almost embarrassed that I didn’t really understand that until I was in my 30s. I never understood why my mom’s greatest form of entertainment was using her kids to stir the pot.  *45 is one sick, twisted ghoul (not that I feel bad for any of

I feel like when Barron turns 18 he should change his last name, get citizenship to Slovenia through his Mom, and just go start over there away from these toxic idiots. I really hope it happens for him. It’d be great to see one of those kids get to break free of this vicious cycle of Orange awfulness. 

who will emerge as the face of the next generation of the Trump family

This morning Joe Scarborough was talking about how brilliant Jr is at getting the base fired up, that he could very well have a future in politics.

Totally. I predict they’ll get Palined. We really don’t hear about them anymore, thank God.

One thing that must be understood about narcissistic parents is that they frequently pit their kids against each other. The special bond between (normal, healthy) siblings is seen as a threat to the parent.

They wish they’ll be a dynasty. Where will they run for office? In New York?

Same is true of inflation numbers. Apparently inflation has been nowhere for the last ten years while the price of everything has tripled. 

Most people who actually pay attention/work in employment seem to agree the unemployment rate is unnaturally depressed at the moment, as well. So many people are underemployed, working part time, or have dropped out of the job market entirely, the unemployment rate is almost meaningless.

Reporter Reaches Out To Potential Source.

My favorite part is definitely starting her statement by saying “My husband is Jewish.” Like somehow being married to a random Jewish man gives her some additional insight into the Holocaust and Nazi Germany. C’mon son.

The alt-right is the “alt-right” because calling yourself “nazi” or “fascist” is (rightly) placing yourself in bad company. TL;DR: They’re cowards

the founder of a major conversion therapy organization came out as gay and said it’s BS. He’s not the first to do this either nor the first non-Catholic priest to do it. 

Mccain is a perfect distillation of why we still mass shootings on bi-weekly basis now.

Fun fact, I was in an infomercial for this thing with Gene Cernan in the mid 90s. They specified that the kids couldn’t wear clothing with logos or symbols on them, but they let me wear my Bulls sweater because everyone loved Jordan at the time.

Fun fact, I was in an infomercial for this thing with Gene Cernan in the mid 90s. They specified that the kids