
 I thought alternate jurors were there for situations like this?

It looks as if the renovations was only done to appease the rich neighbors. The flammable materials would have not been there if not for that such renovation. Sure it’s the contractors who cheaped out on the materials but who were responsible for the contractors being hired and vetted for the job in the first place?

And those were only months ago, not years ago. Even if he fudged the number of contacts, he should very well remember that they happened at all. It doesn’t matter—-even if they play coy and dumb, the international intelligence community as well as our own, will leak the salient information to the public if they keep

Yeah, she had a heartwarming story in her biography (I’m not sure it’s an autobiography since the Trumps tend to have their books ghostwritten) about how she struggled to get people to come to her lemonade stand so....her servants had to fish around for change to buy their lemonade. *roll of eyes* She really is

Yeah, the Republicans love to move the goalposts every time it’s their party in power. Before Obama: Deficits don’t matter. During Obama: What will we do about the debt?!!! After Obama: What debt?

He never kept any of his promises. Mexico will pay for the wall. He had a 30 day plan to end ISIS. He can fix healthcare (news to the Republicans who kept trying to repeal it but never replace it). Every single one of his promises were glaring bullshit but they fell for it.

Remember how Obama’s half brother (I think) from Kenya joined in on the birther bullshit? Has anyone heard from him since Trump got elected? The second that birther bullshit stopped being useful, his half brother also simultaneously stopped being useful. No one will return that asshole’s calls. And I’m pretty sure he

Well, apparently she and Jared talked her daddy into not rolling back the protections via Obama’s executive order for federal LGBT employees. Which implies Trump didn’t care either way and had to be talked into it. But she forgot to make sure he didn’t do the same for federal protections for LGBT federal contractor

Trump got only 11 percent of the vote in Manhattan. The second he finishes his presidency (impeachment + conviction, loses re-election), he has to go home to Trump Tower, where all those people who voted against him will be waiting and they will boo and jeer him every single second, every day. He will be a pariah

Apparently his WWC (White Working Class) support is a myth. It was more well-to-do white people who turned out more for him than for Hillary. I guess they do want their precious tax cuts. And note that the noise about the debt and/or budget deficit? Crickets.

I think Reince is actually trying to make Trump think all the suggestions Reince spoonfed him were all Trump’s own ideas and selling it as “Trump’s” agenda. Trump doesn’t know how to be president so he has to literally follow his advisors’ advice. It doesn’t matter which Republican president it would have been, they

They have a long, long history of gaslighting. Well, Trump does. I suppose Ivanka can do nothing else but join in on the gaslighting, too. It’s all they can do. Anything bad comes out about them, they have to gild the shit sandwich to make it look appealing as they desperately try to convince people to enjoy the crap

And it even was caught on camera! By the Russian media! And they aired it! And Trump was surprised! Despite the fact they were there with cameras!

Actually, they’ll try to dump him or minimize the damage (before and after) the midterms—-depending on how much of a rout the Republicans get in the midterm elections and the Democratic candidates ride a wave into the House, even after gerrymandering. But if the Republicans try to cut Trump loose, they’ll lose the

Voter suppression. Wisconsin and Michigan have Republican majority legislatures and governors and they have been doubling down on the voter suppression there. 75 percent of the voting machines in Detroit malfunctioned on election day and the voting margin in Michigan was 11 thousand. Had those voting machines not

Or a note with the words “STEAK SAUCE, NOT KETCHUP!” scrawled on it.

Yeah but his credibility is shot to concerned parties. There’s a reason why American banks wouldn’t loan him money after a point. More people than ever before now knows just what he’s about. After he leaves office, people will not be able to rehabilate his reputation. Ivanka and Jared may be fucked as well. Everyone

GW Bush may give him a run for that title (dumbest president ever) but it seems like having had GW Bush as a president gave everyone an idea of what to expect from Trump and the Republicans and how to fight it off. That’s why his polling is crashing, even well ahead of other presidents at the same time in their

You know the sad thing? Obama can’t order wiretaps personally, the intelligence community as well as domestic agencies have to get a subpoena to get one in place, and even foreign intelligence agencies have limited leeway to listen in on wiretaps. Trump wasn’t being surveillanced, the Russians were and they only

Comey actually worked under Starr during the Whitewater investigations back in the 90's. So he’s well respected in the FBI and among the GOP. That would be a serious standoff—-do they fall on their swords (respect-wise) for Trump, or let Comey eat shit?