
The show that invents the tropes and the mythology as it goes along gets to be inconsistent with itself. Acting styles , effects change etc. The first season was mostly excellent. The drop off begins mid Second Season when Shatner’s acting style becomes more “Shatneresque”. By the third season, Roddenberry is gone

You poor adorable child.

So I guess we kill you first, then? Cops only so fast....

And you’re the one getting his ass kicked. Worth it.😘😘😘

Yeah James Whitbrook. 

Wut? Wut.? Not seeing the Whitbrook hate. You sure you’re not confusing with Katherine? Seriously people getting upset here because he gives the episode B+ instead of A+++?

I find Zack’s reviews to be realistic and honest about the highs, lows and potentials of a show that can bite off more than it can chew. For therapeutic reviews check out iO9.

When you die at 97, you don’t need to give a cause of death. Frankly any death after 75+ should be considered “natural causes”.

I’ve noticed The Orville bashers (Who happen to be big Discovery fans) are mostly in the greys; does the opposite happen over at i09 with presumably Disco bashers and Orville stans?

I liked the episode well enough and it was great to see the two Trek doctors in a surprisingly dark turn, but yeah, some missed opportunities (since Alana is gone, will Patrick Warburton put in more appearances.... and yeah, the dudespeak has become lazy and annoying) I’ve pretty much handwaved issues involving Alara’s

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Jamie Lee’s haircut made her look like Exeter from This Island Earth....

I remember the pearl clutching fit the TNG crew had over Barclays harmless Restoration era fantasies. Finally a Holodeck scenario that's believable next to Our Man Bashir....

He’s the resident asshole around here. A feature not a bug.

So basically old TV show is criticized for being old.... Trek did get better... DS9 (Benjamin Sisko and Cassidy Yates) and Worf gets to be the “Black Man” playing Poke The Caucasian... sorta...


Explaining Jonny Quest to 21st century rugrats is gonna be a bit.... problematic, especially when Race Bannon kills a dozen Asian stereotypes in one episode. The  kind of “you can’t do that anymore” television series that Hanna Barbera didn't try to recreate when they attempted to revive the series in the 80s and 90s.

Loved it, tho that ending was a little dark. We gonna wait another 11 years to find out if Harvey beats the rap?

KEEP THE REVIEWS GOING.... So Sionide is the new Captain Phasma/Boba Fett level of badass mookery?