BT Onedem

Back-stabbing seems to be Mark's favorite.

I am looking forward to the "truly original android tablet that's for human and not looking like an iPad".

couldn't help but to think MS wants to buy the encrypted content of skype. Blackmailing gov's?

Reduce the cache size is temporary, encrypt the cache is the goal.

It seems to me that except Skype-out and Skype-in, there isn't anything that M$ can't already do. The deal sounds more like elimination than merger, much like what Google did to Gizmo5.

what's the point in putting a plastic girl in front of the TV set? demonstrating potential live-size porn?

Your honor, although my client's hand was, sorry, still is, in the plaintiff's pocket, eh, may yours too, he's innocent because he's told us that nothing was stolen.

probably the similar reason why a nuclear crisis was admitted so late

1. Wasn't there another sales projection made for 2015?

I guess the whole point is that other manufacturers at least are putting some visible distinct features into their designs, Samsung's uniqueness lies in their stuff "look and feel" like an Apple device (IMO, the Galaxy line even evolves with iPhone/iPad design).

Lawsuit as a means to component price slash?

Invade worldwide computers' privacy by court order? Cool. I thought only Suckerburp is legally allowed to do that.

is it" Mobee" or "EE mob"?

join the rest of the world...

Recharge the charger by USB, then charge the keyboard??!! Probably it's the most nonsense design of 2011 (yeah, the next 8.5 months included)

it'll still be open, just centralized...

I'm president of the United States. You think I've got to borrow somebody's computer? — Whatever yours is mine...

what took them so long to do the expected decision?

next announcement: Sprint is now renamed to Google-Sprint.

it'll be fun if the judge himself or his kids are in the list.