BT Onedem

12-hour apart, communists or not, big brothers are the same, it's just the matter of whether one dares to announce it...

so he's never dated any jeopardy contestants?

what's up with all the S in the model naming? "S"uperb, "S"ubpar, or pirated from "S"amsung?

makes sense. an iphone nano without internal storage is just an enhanced skype device...

it is funny to see that when surrounded by android army and ios freak, Nordic king chooses to bend over

spent a long time to finally figure out the cause, but the disease is already in the terminal stage... the nokia story now looks so much like a House episode...

a country that can be crippled by a single missile? not a bad idea. we all should do the same to maintain world peace.

now i know why i keep repeating my own mistakes — because i made one in the past...

two management teams that need to have their "brain" changed — nokia and moto

why not register "jobs" so no one else can have them?

Google only showed how screwed the native English-speaking world is. For the rest of the WORLD, it's still to be determined.


No glasses is still preferred. Of course, if they make the lightest 3d glasses out of pure gold, then it's another case.

It's a tech gadget at most and absolutely not a house appliance, unless one can stand all the dirty corners in his house.

are those average legs in russia?

To Samsung: will something of a different color kill your company? Do you really have to make all of your Galaxy line called iPhake?

The Samsung strategy: do what everyone else is doing, but do it cheaper to grab the market. The whole Galaxy line looks and feels like products of you-know-what, however only cheaper by a tiny bit. But apparently even Google buys that idea.

i wonder why such a cute product has a strange-sounded name

thinking that lifeforms are structurally similar is a stupid and arrogant idea in the first place, the finding proves this