BT Onedem

NSFW? put the iphone in front of a p..

ugly phace...

"Your safety is our priority." "and your dignity? what's that?"

only someone who has an iphone4 would do this to 3gs.

In the end, the sex robot wins.

the design of the their bodies remains intact while their arms and necks are falling apart?

Gee, I wonder why? — to rid US of WMDs? or because phones and other 3C products aren't made in US?

The answer is simple: free will. Despite the claim of maintaining software quality, the idea of "Apple's the man" is distorted and the creativity of many many developers will be denied.

the I-wanna-control-your-life guy and the I-wanna-reveal-your-life guy? it's the end of human society...

Excellent design, but I still prefer cellphones that fit in my pocket.

it's no news.

the scary part is any meat can be made into this...

"if they feel generous" — can't recall the last time Apple had a generous act...

classy, when US/mideast are fighting over resources, it's called "fighting terrorism", when China/Japan are fighting over resources, it's called "sorting out their shit". It seems Galileo also mis-identified the center of the universe...

they will continue denying it until the fPhone is released...

of course there is a wifi version, otherwise they are not doing a good job as copycats...

what's worse than coach? cow?

Huge budget comes with huge corruption. It's still years away before Eastern governments can put "most" of the science money to its rightful place — How dare I saying this? Because I've witnessed their magic...

galaxy looks like iphone;