BT Onedem

he's done much amazing work. but regarding this one — a speculation with high probability, it surely does not help my beingness...

the landline telephone has never been free...

How about raising it with triple-typhoon

the term "dumping" in some sense is very pictorial, — M$'s wasting money again

why do you think the word "frak" was used in some sci-fi series...

that explains why struck by lightning is an unforgettable experience.

Original G1 with Froyo, haha

Just like Bollywood, in the future we'll see mass productions like Blokebury by DIM, Boogle search, Skipy... from their tech parks.

The best way to boost a country's IT industry further — rob someone's source code in the name of national security...

Seriously, he can only remove the license plate? Shouldn't he be able to remove the whole part of the car for the plate just for the sake of beautiful design?

Really? Was the driving necessary?

And how many of the other 80% Americans are being more productive by using internet?

these guys really have the potential to bankrupt a country...

Neutrality under captalism? haha

Can't use photoshop? Be a better photographer.

The compromised politicians should regret leaking info to those Russian spies...

looking at the phone screen while driving is dangerous, so is something suddenly popping up right in front of one's eyes...

If one can see the differences on LCD, shouldn't it be producible by DCs?

Wave is a hand-waving product from the beginning. So is Buzz...