I'm probably wrong but really think I recall that was the only time in the entire movie that the Human Torch said anything whatsoever to the Thing and then because his wisecrack seemed like first words ever spoken to him, it just came off as cruel.
I'm probably wrong but really think I recall that was the only time in the entire movie that the Human Torch said anything whatsoever to the Thing and then because his wisecrack seemed like first words ever spoken to him, it just came off as cruel.
We am become Kansas, the lobotomizer of worlds…
Saturn HulaHooping was fun too.
The Party at Kitty and Stud's
aka Italian Stallion
Kristygallion And The Shitty of a Thousand Spamlets
Fux news.
Firecracker go BOOM!
Iron Oreos for all the lost Lenoreos.
Tween Titans
And when they get back everyone is involved Avengers Defenders Inhumans Shield, and they especially hit it off with Captain America.
Paste-Pot Peter North?
Four things.
The poetry of unstoppable terrible violence and the violence of terrible unstoppable poetry.
Baffle Neck gonna be a detecting Batman-man just like Encyclopedia Brown…
… and does he sing "O Holy Night" in the style of Cher?
Seems a variation of this story pops up every couple years.
We've been here before and will be here again and you can take that to the banksy.
I thought the alien fetaltrumpworm had the control center located in the caboose?
As a kid, remember hearing about him pulling the gun on whoever the rude dude that picked him up was, and thinking something like:
way to go, Tattoo, you should have shot him Nick-Nack. .
Think the reaction came from already being sick of how adults treat children, and feeling bad that this guy couldn't escape…
Coz feeling cocky again on some vile deranged manipulative ego trip delusional victory lap over a mistrial before more lawsuits remind him it's not over?
Good one Otis.
Be sure to give yourself another tip of the hat to your big brain and those cat like reflexes.
I would assume the connection between Trump and Hulk Hogan's penis involves a custom-made real doll with oversized genitalia that Donald uses as snuggle pillow for comforting fetal cuddles during sleep deprived nights.