B Sven

"…sizzling philippics…"

Obviously you're not a golfer.

Your responses still showcase a laughable lack of reading comprehension.
You responded to the confusion in your own head, not to Wafflicious.
But it was funny, so thanx and keep on suckin' cupperbutt…;-)

Just another half-assed dashed off trifle blurb about another longer article available elsewhere; seems to be the way of things these days.

Where is Pinhead when you need him?
The Lament Configuration has been open all year.

…and steaming, like the duece that mangy dog drops on the sidewalk on a cold day.

Did he discharge urine and expel feces upon those below as he floated above?
If so, what unique souvenirs for the superfans…

Have you met The Corinthian yet?
You will.

"Here cometh the dreamer. Let us slay him and see what becomes of the dream…"

Death as a sex sentence?

…and although permits were not required, Masturbation Island was already way too messy crowded with other folks shooting…

Abe of Base

…or perhaps feels relief not being associated with those stinkers…

Not sure where the collected stash of tracts are tucked away, but from where i type, can spot one on a shelf: Sin City, an ugly lil book where the vile horrors of humors include murderous gay pride paraders beating a loving godboy, getting him charged with a hate crime, and where even a calm acceptance of

Now sitting by the throne of the Saint of Killers…
Illustrate on, Mr. Dillon, with those other artists gone.
Thank you for all your creativity…

They asked him.
He said he was getting too old for this sith.

You are, of course, self-referential; perhaps even knowing deep inside you are ever incapable of conjuring a comment even a tenth as entertaining.

He gonna rachet up his count of Jar Jar Beanz for sure.

…and maybe also an upcoming God vs. Godzilla cinematic showdown!

…Shedding his ocean skin
deep green awakening and
something like a woman screams…