B Sven

Trump was always going to win.
The only suspense is by how much.

Let Me Pump It in Your Rump by Donald Trump
" My fellow Americans,
First of all, you look terrific.
Let me begin by saying something my so-called opponents are all too scared to say: I am 100 percent in favor of anal sex. Man-on-woman, man-on-man, gender-queer, you name it—if something can be put into and taken out of a

I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but i find myself increasingly attracted to you, not only because of your keen mind, with all that enthusiastic financial advice you've been giving for years, but also your fine beautiful form, and i need not speak of this again if i am being too forward, but yes, if you were

…a wikileak from the presidential acceptance speech he will ever get to give…;-)

Shut up already and just show me that sweet pussy of yours, you mouthy little bitch, i can really tell when a cvnt really really wants it, and since i'm gonna grab your pussy anyway, cuz i know you want, you need a good fuckin' and i know my pillow talk is making you wet…
{sarc, darc darc, sarc}

…i suppose we could be keeping a 'watch list' for these returning name-changing rotational banned blowholes.

You're no Hero for Hire.

…or even Master Legend's iron fist.

Infinite Darkness Of The Tainted Brain

The ice cream is gonna be flyin' fast and furious.

You think that when you die, you go to Heaven. You come to us !

I remember thinking that Captain Phasma was also going to be walking around controlling a contingent of silver orbs as well, Star Wars-ized versions of Phantasm balls.

Still Running With Blades

Blade Runners

…yeah, them smokies is thick as bugs on a bumper;
They even had a bear in the air!

…camera got them images
camera got them all
nothing's shocking…
showed me everybody
naked and disfigured
nothing's shocking…
and then he came
now sister's
not a virgin anymore
her sex is violent…

Liked it; smiles turned to chuckles as the song went on.

Last 20 Bonds.

You didn't share any of your goosebump songs, just saying.

Once you been Psychlo, you never go Man-Animal.