B Sven

…cease to review, giving my goodbye
drive my car into the ocean
you'll think they're dead, but they sail away
on a wave of mutilation…

Rodney Dangerfield & Juliette Lewis in Natural Born Killers

Cookies and Ponies.

Cookie would never knowingly eat Elmo…but caught in a frenzy of delicious consumption…accidents can happen…;-)

Grover should crazy glue some ChipAhoys on Elmo and take him over to Cookie Monster's place…

Leland and Laura Palmer

"This gal is a wrecking machine…and she's hungry ! "

His alcoholism and compulsive masturbation subsume all his cannibalistic impulses…

Mummenschanz wannabees..;-)

…the second coming of Spuds Mackenzie !

Generational provincialism prompts a blended response of enjoying a bit of unintentional hilarity and also a tad of melancholy at the arbitrary and idiotic divisions humans like to devise…

Don't you feel the comical glory and asinine grandiosity of elevating fuckin' around on the 'puter into generational superiority over mere ephemera?

…Everybody likes the Michigan Rag
Every babe and Jane and Ruth
From Weehawken to Duluth
Slide, ride, glide the Michigan
Stomp, romp, pomp the Michigan
Jump, clump, pump the Michigan Rag
That lovin' rag !

Michigan J. Frog remains untainted…

…in the sense that someone put those words next to each other in a comment box..;-)

…and then belting out:

…the return of Cockroach Nazareth !

…is ok to fall behind in your work.

I'd be more interested if it had Clint Eastwood making whoopie with Howard Goldberg in it…

May have to break my Marvel Netflix accumulation delayed gratification viewing plan and watch this one soon.
Wonder if doing so will make Daredevil and JJones a disappointment when i finally get around to them?