B Sven

…which brings us to douchetuba…

Twice. Thrice.

"…in my dream, the world had suffered a terrible disaster. A black haze shut out the sun, and the darkness was alive with the moans and screams of wounded people. Suddenly, a small light glowed. A candle flickered into life, symbol of hope for millions. A single tiny candle, shining in the ugly dark. I laughed and

The ephemeral nature of these types of "shitposting" & "meme magic," and the delusional grandiosity of importance of same, seems kind of quaint and naive when pondering comparisons with the complexity braided in the worlds' inter-related government/corporate systems, who have had long-established entrenched versions

…just throwing a calculated bone for the banal;
plenty o' inter-generational pandering to be done among the body politic:
18-24: 31.2 million (9.7%)
25-34: 44.1 million (13.7%)
35-44: 40.6 million (12.6%)
45-54: 43.2 million (13.4%)
55-64: 40.9 million (12.7%)
65-74: 27.6 million (8.6%)
75+: 20.2 million (6.3%)

So, no Madam President will be kind of tough for you to deal with for at least four years, with Prez tRump conjuring a new adversary, eh?

Because Die will always ultimately win.
I choose Funny and Die

So by saying "recovering,"
does that mean you are simply in a refractory period
between compulsive sexual encounters?

My Father's Mask
That story kicked ass, Joe.
Thanks for writing it.

“The Big Space Fuck”

"When there is no incentive to act virtuously, people will not act virtuously."

…all gung-ho for the apocalypse they were promised in their storybook, and egotistical, arrogant, and deluded enough to see it everywhere soon via god-powered confirmation bias…

Now she runs a day care under a new identity…

The piggish grunting, drooling moaning, and spastic bucking hips of an ejaculating Dr. Phil is an experience that very very few are interesting in being involved with…

…bye, bye Miss American Pie
Drove Chandra Levy like a Chevy but the Levy did die…

…Dead girl
There will never be another one that dreams like you
Dead girl
There will never be another one that screams like you
When death sleeps it dreams of you
Delilah played the dead girl at the freak show
She smiles like a ghost
Like zombies eatin' dust in Mexico
Life dries cold beneath the dead soul lights
She asked if

A Honey Boo Boo also has something to do with Colony Collapse Disorder…

Thank you for every laugh you gave Mr. Croker.

…the movie's on again
They got me nullifying ghosts…