B Sven

I think he calls himself Mant now…

Surely, they'll recognize the need to get C. W. Saturn squelched and cheer you on with hearty Wells wishes…

…Batgirl bodywash is quite pleasant as well.

…unless he's wined and dined first.

If he can't make it, Justine is waiting right by the phone…

I am going to scowl with jutted jaw and gritted teeth and observe with determined squinted eyes my city below from an on high perch upon a gargoyle or cornice…

…oh oh
You're in his eye
And you'll know why
The more you live
The faster you will die…

…or even:

I like comic books too!
We should hang out.

When i worked at a shop in the aughts, and some poor sap would wander in with stacks of 90's comics and $$$ $igns in their eyes—while delicately explaining the Dutch tulipomania situation that occurred in the industry that decade, it was hard not to smile sometimes.

BatCrap Forever

If not more frequently…

I recall Alan Moore saying he was frustrated with the level of laziness exhibited by Liefeld during his Supreme run…tons of wonderful descriptions for drawings that never materialized.

Public library?
That's how I read it, pretty entertaining, with fun retro art homages peppered throughout.

…wasn't that baaaaaaad.

But it's a hairball pill, so best to mylar your pylon first…unless you want the kittens…

No dick to be done.

Ben verified!

…le temps détruit tout…

…your favorite scenes cumming soon live in that very intersection.