B Sven

…sometimes they fly.

Perhaps a dislike born of what was once a mad and deep unrequited love…

Ann Coalturd ?

I want the bold move of no trailers.
Fuque all them hostile bleating entitlement whores 'n make 'em wait.

…and wouldn't post vid of having that bout of uncontrollable diarrhea in a swimming pool.

"I met Andy Warhol at a really chic party"
Blow it out your hair-do 'cause you work at Hardees!

I agree.
She opened up about her negative thinking, self-delusion, narcissism, emotional responses, entangled with personal insecurities in a more upfront manner than many do when confronted with their own non-optimal thought patterns.
Some of the angry responses do seem a tad emotionally unhinged in the context of

It's amazing {no matter where on the talent spectrum one falls} that anyone or anyone's parents ever make any respective or relative fortunes as 'artists.'

Inches given?
Fed well?

…although cats were purring and scratching skin,
someone saw what was wrong with another sin.

They built that city with rock n' roll.

…i much prefer the optimistic notion that through force of metaphysical will, Coop has kept BoB contained;
rather than my pessimistic pondering of BoB piloting an unwitting or unwilling Coop through a horrific series of escalating ritual atrocities across the Pacific Northwest for the last twenty-five years…

…side effect of Groats Disease.

That was one of the strongest genuine soul-spoken moments for me on the entire show.

…i wonder how Coop 'n Bob have been getting along the past 25 years.

…creepypasta or eerietator ?

Farewell, Brother Shamus…

"O zephyr winds which blow on high…
Lift me now so I can fly…"

"…Once upon a time, there was a place of great goodness, called the White Lodge. Gentle fawns gamboled there amidst happy, laughing spirits. The sounds of innocence and joy filled the air. And when it rained, it rained sweet nectar that infused one's heart with a desire to live life in truth and beauty. Generally

A binary loadlifter's love is very different from that of a square.