B Sven

"Biological waste, sticky used porn and dead junkies who got flushed by mistake. This'd be a wonderful life if I hadn't grown up dreaming of a job as a glamor photographer."

"Hey Spartacus! There is a hole in the boat and your mother is a KGB Ass-Whore in the Dungeons of Kremlin!"

"All will run on the boiling black baby juice of Anders Klimakks"

…some say Kanye's taint aint all its cracked up to be,
some exhaust port defect, directly connected to a main port reject, ruling out any possible future use as fully functional celebrifartcarcasski…

Six Inches ? chuckles, yeah; my preference is for Chinaski just stumbling through his shitty days, saying whatevers to whoever as well.

…spew the white thing ?

…has anyone else noticed what great shape a lot of the goggles were in ? Immortan Joe must have really been hoarding a stash somewhere…

…when you heed the call of the heart, all shall benefit from the glow…

…will admit this is first heard of cgi bear; don't they have trained ursine actors anymore? Can they not put lil motion capture dot-thingies on the bear if they want to jazz up an actual bears performance? What is with the homo sapien taking away an acting gig from a genuine Ursidae caniform thespian ?

…no doubt you've got the whole season knocked out by now; good deal—you're getting all the credits 'n percentages you've requested—this show is a go…

…ah sweet satelliteskynet, remember what happened last time ?
….our dear sweet glorious twins grew up to be gorgeous monsters and destroyed that parallel Earth, that wonderful world where they spelled it Boomshroom Bears…

mp reminds me of this old Jack Handey:

…once i get the proper paperwork notorized from the Tomorrow Marshalls, we can orchestrate a formal introduction for some time in late 2012 (some kinda mysterious meet-cute at Vigoda's favorite bodega or pagoda) and take it from there…;-)
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…it is actually more plate-like and in constant motion; for Cthulhu's Mom is spinning it constantly on the tips of her nippledicks…

Old B.o.B. lost the plot after losing track of V.I.N.CENT in that Black Hole incident.

…perhaps JayZ is just being responsible in perfecting the blend, for he knows the pungent majesty of his most potent musk, and the inherent dangers of releasing such aromatic magical elixir upon the unprepared public without stringent regulation; after all, we do have verifiable video proof of an experimental blend

…like the hammer of happiness pounding nails of joy through your eyes into your brain…

…i don't want to alarm you, but perhaps you are aware; and, indeed are a seasoned traveler from the parallel Earth where the Vigoda you recall, did, in fact, die—decades ago; on this world, The Telecon Men of the Final Rendering have had elusive Abe targeted for a long time and failed repeatedly in capturing that fast

…perhaps his addiction to your aunt's fermented blue milk made him belligerent, but no matter, they are flaming skeletons as we speak, soon we shall leave this sandtrap behind…then Luke, you may play with your father's saber with much gusto and without shame…