
I have been using brave for a little over a year and love it. I do use the reward program. The ads only know your public IP address and don’t track you. You don’t get rewards for clicking ads and the ads are not tailored to you other then your basic region. I have earned between $5 and $15/month in BAT. The coin has

does the ND miata even have one? THere is no service interval for the cabin airfilter. I have a 2016 with 35,000 miles and i have never changed it. My mazaspeed3 i change every year

you don’t need to pull the dash.  He said he pulled the dash so he could get the camera in there.  It doesn’t seem that hard for someone who is not running a professional video studio.  

My 2012 mazdaspeed3 takes about 10 minutes to pull out.  Takes longer to vacuum out the leaves that come out of the slot then to do the entire change.  

You would be surprised how little room stuff like this takes once you put it together. You make a orderly tight bundle and you can fit a lot into a small space. Plus if you look through your car I'm sure you can find little nooks and cranies to fit stuff into. My spare tire has a huge space around it. There is

This is everything.

because all modern cars are required by law to have a tire pressure monitor system in working order. The fluid will reuin the TPS sensors and then you have to replace them. They will get you on this at some state inspections. I'm speaking from experience. I still keep a bottle in the car, but I have a spare tire.

I'm sorry putting on a seat belt on will actually keep the cop in more of a duty ready position then not. You can read the report on the "1986 FBI Miami shootout" for full proof of seat belts and also always keeping your firearm holstered. Otherwise the person and the firearm will get flown about the cockpit and not

This argument is silly at best. None of the latest crimes involved unskilled persons. So people being unskilled was not the issue. Guns are a part of our lives whether we like it or not. The genie is out of the bottle and you can't put it back in. There are millions of guns in america and you are not going to get

I only get the options for or Am I missing something

+1 on PKGBackup. I just used it to go to from 5.1 to 5.1.1

Can you restore the device to a non jailbroken state? I currently have a tethered jailbreak with redsn0w and if you restore from iTunes it will be in it's original state. Since restoring from iTunes is involved in the process for absinthe is there another way to get the device back to an OEM state?

Care to elaborate. I jailbroke my phone for the first time about a month ago and while I do have some nice features, there is nothing ground breaking.

For the a4 it is semi-untethered. You can reboot but you can't use any jailbroken applications. To use jailbroken apps you have to do a tethered reboot.

Mazda rx8 was an awesome all around car. The car is amazing on the track, but the suspension is soft enough on the road. It's cheap comparatively especially a lot of stuff on this list. 25k for new, and used is ridiculously inexpensive. The MPG isn't the best but 22 on the highway could be livable. Take the money

That's great, but what about the 80K of student loan debt, that doesn't look good on the budget.

Rx7 with a body kit

Said and Done!

2010 Mazdaspeed3. It's happy to do it.

I saw this and was really considering it for my parents. But what bugs me is no support for local printers and digital cameras. Every person has a digital camera these days. Plus i don't want to buy a network printer in addition to a chromebook. Add support for cameras and local printers, (2 usb plugs and the