
Buying the car you want, loving it, then hearing nothing but shit talk from other enthusiasts about why your car is stupid, ugly, garbage etc.

No banter, this is just horrible.

Too bad the king of baby crossovers is gone.

James Harrison just knocked over his dining table.

Sorry, but a black guy getting bad reception in the Boston area doesn't qualify as shocking news

“FUCK!” - Jimmy Garoppolo

That this was taken at a Sheetz completes the entire photograph.

The problem is that Sandra Bland, Tamir Rice, and others did not die or were shot because they were poor.

I found the key to eating right or at least better was exercise. Once I started to exercise I found I craved healthy foods more and junk foods less.

Here comes the lunatic fans who are going blame everyone but Clarkson. Reading the comments yesterday was disturbing.

Red flag laws. I'm sick of paying some dude to hold a fucking flag or lantern in front of my horseless. Sometimes he can't find the goddamn flag and we're stuck and now I'm losing shillings just sitting here waiting for the flag store to open. Fucking ridiculous. If you can't tell there's a motor vehicle on the way

What I'm basically saying is, Corvette Shooting Brake. Somebody make it happen please.

The reason why so many "average" white people have this distorted image that black people are a race that complains about every single slight is because articles like these that point out asinine coincidences, that have no racist intent whatsoever.

We had the Suzuki SX-4. It was great! Then Suzuki died :(

I would LOVE to follow up every single article like this with this fact- 90% of new car sales will earn the salesperson only $100 dollars.

Ah yes, those of us trying to save $500 definitely should just go buy a Tesla instead. Good call.