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    Nintendo Entertainment System is the American name for that system. It’s N.E.S. I grew up with this system. I read Nintendo Power. Stop spreading fake news and conspiracies.

    I have a kid with a peanut allergy. I don’t have a problem with anyone eating peanuts in a public space unless its confined, like an airplane. I do think if you’re kid is eating a pb&j sandwich somewhere and smears peanut butter everywhere, its your job to clean that up. I know allergies are more severe for some

    Cars can be the best power tools. My last company had a house in N. New Jersey for jobs we had in NY. One time I got there late and the keybox was empty. I tried to pry the back door open and the whole thing, frame and all popped out. I used the best tool on me to fix it, my company car. Rammed it right back in. That

    I grew up in New Jersey and spent a lot of time at diners. I’ve never heard any of these terms before. I guess I didn’t spend enough time. Anyway, I didn’t see a Happy Waitress in the list.

    I fully agree here. For all we know it is in this guys head and / or he just has an issue being bossed around by a woman. Maybe he is really annoying. Maybe she’s filtering down orders from her boss. It is hard being a woman in management. Way too many see you as either a pushover or a b-word.

    I love this. It’s scary being a white male knowing that I will be discriminated against once or maybe even twice ever. Fortunately, I have a red flag in my pocket, ready to throw the moment I think it happens.

    When you’re driving in NYC you get a mix of all types of drivers. The problem is that if 1% of drivers are ass hats, NYC has 83,000 ass hats. NYC drivers have merit too. Try to merge 8 lanes of traffic into 2 lanes in Ohio.