
Maybe if we actually got paid properly we wouldn’t have to resort to bank robbing.

Please, please get ‘em to work on the IV lines...I’ve had some screw ups by supposedly highly trained nurses...I’m not talking about things beyond their control (a weak vein, me moving my arm/hand), I’m talking about basic listening skills (hey this really hurts and my hand is going numb), and paying attention to your

My mom used to snoop. Then I ‘accidentally’ left out the sex toys on my bed one day.

I don’t hunch over a desk in a lonely cabin any where when I write.

Hell yeah. Best present I ever gave myself.

You. I like you.

Some days it’s awesome, lol.

I’ve not noticed an increase in my sleeping problems since I’ve had sunglasses. I’ve had a decrease in eye and head pain, though.

I like a lot of things, so I can’t judge my bodily needs on that alone, lol.

I do like pumpkin seeds. They’re on my grocery list actually, lol.

I can’t do medications. I’ve tried. Minor ones and hard core ones (ones that make you sleep). The OTC stuff, I have to double the dose to even get sleepy, then I feel like crap the next day. Prescription stuff, same way. It’s either not enough, or too much. There’s no happy medium.

I would too. I work at a restaurant and the cook and manager are Chinese. I’d love to be able to say a few words without sounding like a total dipshit.

Jokes on you, sunlight makes me sleepy.

This article just reminded me all over again why I’m never ever going back to my aunt’s house, no matter how much my grandmother wants me to. (She pushed me to go to a family get together a while back...)

One of my cousins has two boys...neither are vaccinated because ‘autism’. I found out later that her kids are

How is it clickbait? The interview was with a woman who had an abortion at 32 weeks...what’s click baity about that? The title is exactly what the article is about...

I felt the same until I found a generic that tastes like Dukes! It was in Bilo. I don’t think it was Southern was some random off brand that was a dollar or two cheaper than Dukes.

I can’t watch multiple things. Just some music and a TV program. It typically turns into background noise, so if it’s something interesting, I can’t have it on that channel, lol.

Do you feel like you’re running out of time to have kids? Are you under any kind of pressure to have children?

Nothing wrong with not wanting kids. I got my tubes tied at 21. I’m nearly 30 now and I don’t regret it one bit. I can’t stand children, and the thought of having to devote my life to an idea I find annoying and selfish sounds like hell. Not to mention the responsibility. Raising a person?! Fuck that noise.

I’m the opposite. I love having music while writing. I love the TV, anything that makes a lot of noise. I’ve written so much in bars and at the mall. Tons of distractions and noise, but it’s perfect.