
Oh god I thought I was imagining that when I hear mine pop!

Thanks for that, I choked on my drink from laughing. Beautiful.

Now for my own gross story. I had a huge cyst/pimple thing on my butt. Not exactly my butt, but right between the asshole and vaginal opening. My girl taint.

My husband has a good body horror story. Since he doesn’t come here, I’ll share on his behalf. I didn’t witness it, but he told me in great detail.

Well the whole not bragging about it under your real name is such a ‘duuuuuh’ thing, it doesn’t bear mentioning. If you need that reminder, then you’re too stupid to be allowed outside without supervision.

Er, I’m the type of person that picks up bones I find while out on walks. I have whole and partial skeletons of various critters boxed up, skulls, other random bits...I’d be very tempted to swipe a human femur of I came across a place like this. Not for religious purposes, I just like bones.

Splayed legs are only sexy in certain circumstances. On public transport, in waiting rooms and the like, it makes you seem like you’ve got issues. Does your junk itch or burn, is it all sweaty and needs to be aired out? What’s going on here? If it does need to be aired out, take that shit outside, don’t waft your junk

That really mean part of me says ‘Let all the infected women have their babies and leave them on the doorstep of every politician screwing with our right to bodily autonomy. Force them to take care of all these babies they’re so desperate to save.’

I must be on all kinds of lists because I write fanfiction, and original fiction, and frequently help others edit/beta their own works, and when you’re into sci-fi, words like this get used a lot...

My son was like me, born with a full head of dark brown and black hair. He also had his dad’s hairline, a sharp widow’s peak. He was also born with brown eyes like me, which I’ve heard is unusual for white people? I dunno. I didn’t care, he was cute as shit with his dark hair and eyes.

What gets me is, how often are people really checking out each other’s junk in the bathrooms or showers in gyms and such? Are they going “is she really a woman? where’s her vagina?!” Are women screaming “It’s a penis!” if they should happen to see one because they were being creepy fuckers and spying on people in the

That’s what I said to my husband earlier when I was ranting about this stupid bill. No one stopped me from entering a men’s bathroom (I really had to pee and couldn’t wait and all the women’s stalls were full). I’m very obviously a woman, so it’s not like I was mistaken for a man. I’ve done that on several occasions

If women had better access to safe, cheap abortions, this wouldn’t a big of an issue. If women had safe access to cheap/free birth control (like pills or something more permanent like IUDs), this wouldn’t be such a big issue.

I’m not having children, so I can’t help you there. I see no issue with hyphenating the kids’ names, or maybe giving your girls your name and your boys his? Or is that way too confusing?

You’re welcome to join me. The only requirement is you like cats and aren’t an asswipe.

Goddamnit North Carolina...I love my home state, we have beautiful country sides, beautiful cities, amazing mountains and beaches...too bad they’re all full of fuckwits.

I don’t like considering them property because that’s how people get away with abuse. You can’t abuse property according to the law. I don’t consider any animal property, even meat animals. They deserve respect and care no matter what their purpose.

Yeah doesn’t look like she slapped him. Horses are sensitive on their faces, and I’m pretty sure he would’ve jerked back if she’d hit him.

I second calling out harassment and violations of space and body. I hate it when people don’t believe you or dismiss it.

I like his stuff...I do have some random folders still hanging around with his cosmic sea critters, and a couple of months ago I bought a Lisa Frank coloring book because I was having a shitty day and it made me smile. I happily colored about half of it in one day...