
My favorite: "Resize Windows Anywhere: Peace out, bottom-right corner—your window-sizing monopoly is kaput. Now you can drag expand (or contract!) a window from any side of its pane."

I'd like to see them allow us to create folders for pictures imported to the iPad. As it is now, I have hundreds of photos sitting in my 'imported' folder with no way of separating them.

For all those dissing Jann, why don't we see whether The Daily and other publications are doing that well? Yes, we're seeing lots of online publications, but are they selling? I still love print and hate to see it go. I think some kind of hybrid print/ePub sort of document is the way to go. Buy one version, get the

I can't get back to the blog format! What's wrong??

Sure, I saw it was humor, but I thought maybe it would go into why the download/install status line doesn't reflect accurate timing. That's what I'd expect from Gizmodo. This was a poor effort.

Hmm, I thought this was an actual story. I click and see that there's only two sentences here. Gizmodo's really fallen quite a bit.

I don't know, I've studied art history and there's no substitute to actually seeing the art in person. No matter what resolution they scan a painting at, it still just sits on your screen, not lifesize or lifelike.

Most importantly, can my AT&T iPhone get the Verizon apps that control FiOS?

Since the iPad doesn't recognize pressure sensitivity, this won't improve people's pictures that much.

@Elhigh: That's great until you get a Timothy McVeigh character on your flight...

I got on an international flight with three exacto knives by accident. I'm a design student and I needed them for class and I forgot it was in with my pencils, pens, and other art supplies in my backpack.

I work for a government office that spells its name in all caps. Without saying what it is, it's 14 characters long. I use the caps lock daily and repeatedly. Google, you stink.

@JadeBlaesus: The people who own the intellectual property have a right to distribute or not distribute a property however they feel fit.

@Irichanu: Expect lower quality goods as people move into other areas and only a few large companies take over everything...

@SeraphX2: And I know dozens of people who haven't bought any music or movie in years.

@Celtic1888: There's a guy who had the number one video on YouTube. Number. One. He even asked in the video for people to buy the single on iTunes. Guess how many people bought it? Remember this was the number one video on iTunes, so hundreds of thousands of views. 57 people bought it.

@Aklost: The PC game industry is basically dead...

Pirates are ruining intellectual property. I'm not trying to start a flame war, but it's really ridiculous. As someone who creates content that can be easily pirated, I fear for my future. I understand the pirates feel that the world's a better place now that everyone can have the best software, music, videos, etc for

I'm so embarrassed for Kentucky...