
I remember how I loved this movie, but hated that the show then was all in the future. It just killed the franchise for years. I was pretty bummed at the time.

It's Fiscal Year, not financial, which begins in November.

1) It's a leg up, not a hand up

My music and movies definitely do NOT live in the cloud now. And if I'm taking my iPad on the road, I'm not going to cough up $ for a data plan to listen to music I own.

My eyes are bleeding.

Setting up conference rooms. I regularly need 100+ ft cables to connect my computer to a projector at the other end of the room. I hope this will eventually translate into a 'glass' HDMI cable.

Yeah, seeing these phones out in the wild is crazy. They just seem so impractical. I doubt I'll ever feel the need to get one. I also surf the web heavily from my phone and never really use my laptop when I'm at home. Don't really understand why the author would like to get up, lug out a laptop, power cords, spend

Great, so to make this Nexus 7 work, I have to have TWO devices.

I really loved this movie. There are so many points in the posted "critique" that are completely wrong (e.g., the android spent years studying the alien language while the others were in cryosleep and he learned about the alien tech/culture/etc because he could read the stuff written on the walls!). The underwear kind

"And the entire time, it's incredibly quiet. Eerily so." Do you really think so? I just heard EEYOEEYOEEEYEEEEEEE! Ca-Chung! Ca-Chung! Ca-Chung! Not really a stealth device...

I don't think the original poster said he uses Instagram, he's just annoyed at the policy. I don't use Instagram either, and I hate this move too. My pictures are mine. Period. I won't use Instagram or any site that has this policy.

Exactly, but that's not what the article says, or what yosoyfiesta is asking. The article says you can stream your TV onto your devices with an AppleTV. That's not true at all.

I'm with you. I use mine all the time. I also watch movies on Blu-Ray.

I don't and I hate those who do. You're thieves.

I keep them and use them.

Because whoever sets up their own payment system gets a cut of all purchases?

Typo: Tell me know should be let me know

This wasn't just some "MP3 pirate", this was someone who made massive, massive wealth stealing the protected copyright (and paychecks) of the artists and rights holders. Sure, he'll say he wasn't directly doing such a thing, but he enabled it to happen. It's how staggering his wealth generated off of artists is that

My brother took hundreds of photos of Ukraine while in the Peace Corps. He had them saved on Sony's photo sharing service. Sony sent emails stating they were going to shut the service down and you'd never be able to get your photos back. Well, all of those emails went to my brother's spam folder, so he never saw them

Yes, epic fail!