I makes me sad the last thing he did before Sin City was Give Me Liberty, maybe the best thing Miller’s ever done, but Sin City just seems to dominate all his later work.
I makes me sad the last thing he did before Sin City was Give Me Liberty, maybe the best thing Miller’s ever done, but Sin City just seems to dominate all his later work.
When I was a teenager, I was so into this book. So much so, that I was that annoying person who used to shove books into other people’s faces and say, “You’ve got to read this!” (Of course, that was the way I lost four of these copies. People would borrow them but would never return them.)
No, with Frank Miller’s brand of asshole I picture Superman lending him money, not being pushy about getting it back (in spite of living on a reporter’s salary) and Frank just kindling his strangely wounded pride into some kind of deranged resentment.
Sin City is kinda hard to reread not only because it’s incredibly mysogynistic, but you realize Frank Miller has never really stopped writing Sin City.
I loved it when I was 12.
Dear Gotham. Just skip a few years and give us Gotham Central. We will all forgive you for those missing years. Promise.
“Please don’t cancel me.”
Well, thank the Machine for this: CBS has given Person of Interest a truncated fifth season. Which is great news…
One more for the list of well-cast Devils, Ray Wise in Reaper.
Ever seen The Rundown? It’s awesome.
The whole MPAA rating system is fucking bullshit. It’s lorded over by a secret coven of unknowns who have routinely sunk movies for personal reasons. Also, they can’t be sued because they’re identities are secret. So, they hold unmitigated sway over US films with no oversight or accountability.
Longer and more in depth but a little more informative:
It’s been a while that I have read Christopher Priest’s Black Panther, but was Everett really a villain? I remember him being an aide to the Panther
I’m really surprise no one has mentioned Elric yet
Yes! I love these books and I think they would make for a great TV series. On top of the characters and world building you mentioned, I have to admit I would really love to see some of the badass action scenes played out on screen.
I’m still kinda amazed that Harry Harrison’s “Stainless Steel Rat” series has never been filmed . . .
Lots of material. It’s gritty, it’s episodic but continuing. There are offshoots for spinoffs. It’s not overly magical. Gimme!
Either one of thes... Rivers of London would be really good, and 14 wouldnt even be hard to do.... and would be a decent 2 hour movie....
Max Gladstone’s Craft trilogy could be adapted to an awesome high fantasy/legal series (though I doubt it ever will be).
I also would love to see Marvels as a Netflix series. It would be really cool to see the whole