I loved this question. Three games immediately popped into my head.
I loved this question. Three games immediately popped into my head.
As a frequent sufferer of “food between my teeth-itis,” I’ve found the single greatest solution... ever drink an Emergen-C? When you rip the top off of one, you’re left with a fairly stable yet thin piece that can dig out anything.
After breaking up with my long-term, hyper dramatic, girlfriend in college... I invited a smoking hot Freshman over to my apartment dorm (I was an RA) to watch a movie and being the rebound process.
Whitlock, C’lay, Cowherd, and now Skip... a literal murderers row. People will actually suffocate and die from the takes.
Don’t laugh, don’t laugh, don’t laugh... I laughed. Ruthless.
People forget, he played an elimination game (5 or 7) with a broken ankle to get the Pistons to the 2nd Round. It was that decision that derailed his Orlando Magic years.
Maybe if US Soccer had paid her more over the years, she could’ve afforded an Uber
Even funnier... imagine being a Leicester City STH and giving up your tickets before this season. Oh:
I’ll be at the Moda Center. Cheers!
This would mean my brother is D1 Coach, so that would be cool...
Apologies to the Deadspin staff, who I know do a ton of work, but this list is false in every way, shape, and form.
I will vouch for GA Christmas Ale. It is fantastic. Ever since I moved for Cleveland, I’ve paid a premium for it each year and am never disappointed.
My wife and I were introduced at our wedding reception to this solo... I absolutely love this song. That is all.
So, really, has Whitlock completely lost it?
As a Chelsea supporter, I can make excuses for everything above except this. Matic was an absolute destroyer of worlds last season and can barely impact simple counters now.
I’ve warmed up to them, and you’re right about the “Mobile” & “Tyres thing. That said my sincere hope is that when mine arrives, it is spelled “tyre”
Man, the reaction between Simmons and Whitlock getting fired is black and white.
1 of 2 answers make sense.
Everyone is clowning Boateng, and justifiably so, but Götze gets played like a fiddle by Barça in the build-up. He loses concentration for one second and is immediately WAY out of position.
Klosterman told an awesome story in his Super Bowl blog back when he wrote for Page 2. Skip to Sunday, 3:28am.