Portion Control Joel

It’s okay to make fun of Italians. Or Irish. Or any European, really. My mom is Polish and I don’t mind Polack jokes.

I think you understand the difference. Throwing around the word terrorist is really unhelpful. It’s the same inflammatory bullshit that enables people to abandon due process, conduct extrajudicial killings of Americans, etc. Just because you’re reframing it for a cause you support doesn’t make it better.

Causing terror doesn’t make someone a terrorist. Definitions of terrorism are difficult, but some religious/political/social/ideological component is necessary. Psychopath jilted lover doesn’t count, and random mass-murder, absent some wider perspective, doesn’t count.

This is bad, but “chanting the n-word” is misleading. They are (stupidly) singing a song with the word, not chanting it, and not directing it at anybody. Still really fucking stupid, but I was expecting some hate crime kind of harassment or something.

Is it weird that defense contractors have challenge coins? Like if someone showed me a Booz Allen coin, I’d be less than impressed.

I had a motorcycle delivered from Indiana to Baltimore in 2011. It was fantastic. So efficient, he made the delivery and I got to work on time that morning.

Same--I was in high school, and the whole thing was so obviously predicated on bullshit. All politics aside, I still don’t understand how anyone had any confidence in the Bush administration. Like, even if you could see a case for war, did you really think that crew was competent enough to prosecute it?

Tricks are what whores do for money. (or candy)

The headgasket on my wife’s Outback failed on the highway and within the few miles to the next exit, the engine was toast. I don’t know how this happened.

Is it common for dealership service departments to have limited staff who can actually work on engines? This seems odd.

Does anyone not old enough to receive social security actually consume local news? Seems like they’re mostly preaching to the choir.

My brother’s 240sx had the same door handle thing.

Is having a year’s worth of income in savings really the marker of poor/not poor? That seems high. We make okay money, so we should have ~$150k in savings before we get a cat?

And he identified specifically with the stupid moron part. Homer can sometimes at least be a decent man, but that’s not what Cruz was going for. what is even happening right now

Or you could spend $175k on this abomination:

Practical issues aside, there’s something disgusting about elected leaders asking teachers to be willing to kill students, instead of legislating gun controls. To keep children safe. what a world

Mine’s the same way. That is reassuring

Is it possible to change my Kinja name?

He also had a later neck injury that probably ended his career, not the shoulder thing. ?