Portion Control Joel

you leave Adele out of this

Jesus, man , dial it back. I hate guns as much as anyone, but the world is an ugly place. I’m a bigger guy and I am often on edge in a lot of situations. Gun ownership might not be a rational way of addressing it, but it’s certainly understandable, especially for people more vulnerable to violence.

I’ve never wanted a sword or been interested at all. For some reason, like 2 weeks ago, something flipped in my brain and I spent like hours researching swords and just bought a katana. It definitely wasn’t cheap--I guess I wanted a well made piece of metal. I should have just bought a Bob Kramer knife. I’ll use it to

Where’s that Feruccio Lamborghini guy? It’s not even “they may be unreliable, but so fun!” It’s real, actual delusion. He doesn’t even believe they are unreliable.

Yeah, not sure why anyone would spend 11,000+ euros (~14000 USD) on a carbureted 500. Is that crazy? Am I crazy?

I didn’t think someone like you actually existed outside the brain of a MAGA rube. You are remarkable

I always hear different things about protection against animals. What kind of gun would someone carry to protect against bears in Alaska? It seems like anything you could carry on your hip would be largely ineffective against an angry bear or moose. just out of curiosity

Louse Linton is a monster, but don’t drag Crazy Stupid Love. It’s delightful.

While the purchasing part of the experience might be good, every other aspect, in my experience, is a goddamn nightmare. All this “Love” bullshit is extra galling.

You’re probably right, but Saavedra was 14 at the time and the stabbing victim was 16. Would this make a difference?

Twincharged is where it’s at.

I think you’re right. the only thing missing is some in-ad coal rolling.

I like Long-Voyager but sometimes it’s too much. Like his full-throated defense of the TC by Maserati. It’s okay to like MOPAR and still admit they made some truly stupid cars.

My awful, racist grandmother had one. She kept a club in it because she was afraid of (censored racial epithet). What a shit car, perfect for such a shit person.

That may be true, but there isn’t a driver in the world that could safely navigate a bus on this street.

I think there’s an implicit “in modern times” here since ancient figures’ wealth is difficult to calculate and compare. Wikipedia, the source cited, includes Musa I: 

I don’t know about how dangerous the humans are around there, but a gun as protection against wildlife is just silly. It’s unlikely to prevent a bear attack and mountain lion attacks are so rare they aren’t even worth considering. Weirdos and people play-acting as wilderness tough guys carry them; serious backpackers

Now playing

Yuzo Koshiro’s music for ActRaiser was amazing