
As always, there is a relevant XKCD:

Divide by 2 and add 7?

Woah woah woah... You’re saying the serpent in the garden was Satan?!

“That’s not how the Force works.”

*Feels bad for Xbox player in Guardian*

I didn’t really care which character he’s playing, they had me as soon as they said “Kurt Russell”...

Well there’s little chance Vader will pursue them to that beach on the cover. He hates sand. It’s coarse and rough and just gets everywhere.

Passwords and encryption keys are NOT the same thing. An encryption key is a unique and complex string used to encrypt the data so it cannot be deciphered without entering the correct password first, but even the strongest encryption is vulnerable to a dictionary attack on the weak passwords typically used to unlock

Those aren’t bulldozers, they are front-end loaders. This is a bulldozer.

Yeah, put it in a garbage bag first.

for that to happen people need to actually watch Supergirl and not decry it all the time (like a lot of people do for no reason), and help it get more seasons and a good budget on the CBS.

eh, easy come, easy go. At least I’d have a lambo

There was no mother. She was conceived by midichlorians and Luke gave birth to her. :D

Dickless here doesn’t think Ghostbusters is the funniest movie of all time.

I hope she just literally peed on him because he’s the worst.

Also, Tabitha was obviously doomed from the start.

“She may not look like much, but she’s got it where it counts, kid.”

Didn’t the 101 Dalmations have Pongo and Perdeta?

Great, now I’m sweating over turning them all in. Thanks, Jason.