
Also important to remember, it’s not just the snow that calls for winter tires— it’s the *temperature*, too. It could be dry as the desert on the ground but when it’s below freezing, those summer tires are just as lousy.

“Good Tires”, Bob mused, casually lighting a cigarette, “But certainly not great tires.”

This, there is a guy here in Park City that has a Lamborghini Gallardo with snow tires and a ski rack on the roof/hatch. I saw him driving to the mountain in a healthy storm a couple years back.

All he needed to do was not be a Muppet and put the right tires on the car before driving in the winter. Summer tires should NEVER be driven in wintery conditions, period. They turn into ice skates. On the proper tires, this thing would have been just as controllable as any other vehicle - especially with modern-day

Seriously. Being enthusiastic about this is like assuming that Renault’s takeover of AMC was going to result in delightfully quirky French cars of the future and a steady future for the few good American cars that it still built. Instead we got old boring French designs of the past and an immediately shaky future for

Nothing, this is going to be so bad. I guess we can look forward to VW bringing the RAM brand under their roof in a few years. 

Peugeot rivals Cadillac in the delta between concept cars and the shit they sell.

It looks like a Camaro with fetal alcohol syndrome.

stinger + $50k cash in the glovebox is a better deal, IMO.

Nah. Stupid money for that car. 

Ha! I assume you meant “Stinger GT2 or RS 5 with $50,000 in a bag in the trunk.” I’m a cheap bastard so I’d have the Kia. But the Audi might actually be justifiable as twice as good for twice the price.

Depends on which mode you’re in. There’s a lot of lag in “comfort,” as the car wants you to relax and think about your decisions before going fast. Will report back when I get to uncork the car a little more.

1: It would baby OK. If you sit close to the steering wheel, as I do, there’s a lot of room in the back seat. But it’s not cavernous back there; big baby seats might be a little problematic.

No. By definition. Avant rules.

Stinger or RS 5?

Bingo. In fact - overpaid.

GM only makes ~10% profits over their expenses on a good year. Just because they’re making Billions doesn’t mean they’re “making handsome profits”. They’re also spending billions to get there.

The problem here is foresight, there’s never any thought that the good times could end. This is how we end up with the housing crisis, bailouts, student loan crisis, etc.

Bringing attention to the cause and generally making it more difficult for the company to conduct business. They block entrances to try and prevent those who are still working from trying to get to work.

many said they were not feeling any financial pressure and were willing to stay on the line, no matter what.