
You sound just like me. I love cars. But buying them is awful. I’ve become so cynical about the whole thing, mostly because no one makes anything I want to buy, so anything I could buy is not only expensive but also not what I want. Talk about soul destroying. “Here are your options. You hate all of them and they cost

OK, I feel like I have to make a confession here. While I love cars, I fucking hate car ownership. Every single aspect seems purposefully designed to suck the life and enjoyment out of it. Buying a car is a huge pain, with shady dealerships, hard-salesmanship from “the finance guy”, pre-optioned models and locked-in

We’re already at 84 months no interest. Not sure where to go from here. Car mortgage?

He’s a member of the “no shit, Sherlock” school of economics.

Especially for someone who works with Cox.

“Charlie Chesbrough, senior economist for Cox Automotive, told AutoNews that he has a working hypothesis. Mainly, it costs more to buy a car these days, and it’s tough to borrow the money to do it. It’s pretty tough to sell to a market that doesn’t have the means to buy.”

No Manual AWD?! I’m gonna throw a tantrum...

No they wouldn’t have. An Escala launch with a car that resembles the concept in all the important ways would have resulted in a lot of jizzed up pants and pitched tents around here. People have been rooting for the revival of American luxury forever around here and have had their hopes raised with the Ceil, Escala,

Everyone critiqued the XT6 too. This has nothing to do with sedans vs crossovers. 

This car looks nothing like Escala. It looks like a Volt rebadged as an Acura rebadged as a Cadillac. 

I see a similarity..........

LOL, I bet the “extra cost premium” Chevy Malibu got hit with the Accountant stick, particularly in the C-pillar treatment. 

But its Mazda so if you point that out, you’ll be internet lynched on Jalopnik.

I’m sorry but those hard top Miata’s look ridiculous. Some flying buttress action a la the ‘68 Corvette would help their profile a bit.

Anything to throw shade at GM, though.

I’m sure the paychecks take away some of the sting. 

Shot: You guys get worked up over the dumbest things.”

you are overlooking the obvious:

What a shit design.

Derp. Reading is hard! well the APR point stands......