
Fuck Aaron Rodgers but fuck this site and the people ripping him. He literally supported your guy. he said what all of you have been birching that nobody would say but yet its not enough. its never enough. always the victim. I know a piece of shit whore in chicago who played that game on me. classic

because the “gawkerverse” has a hard on for hating Cutler. according to them, if you don’t hate Cutler you “ain’t woke” or something like that

Calm down Joel, your “believers” are still going send in their checks. They probably don’t visit this here liberal site.

damn good stuff. well done

Hey IT, I know you are monitoring my online activity. Sup. Please take a look at this post and, ya know, do something.

doing it the right way. take that you inbred st. louis fucks.

I am a certifiable asshole* and I would let refugees crash in my home if a similar situation occurred near me. Not a question, not a second thought.

doing a helll of a job there Longey, or Brockey. I think I like Brockey better. W, what do you think?

this is the absolute worst take on this cluster fuck. you’re right, “it acting” so therefore any fucking actor anywhere could play the fucking role. idiot

This is the best comment on this whole dumb thing. Well done. Here is a kitten.

I hear Ed Skrein is available. He is a really good at acting and he can take a fictional character and pretend that he is the fictional character really well. Sometimes, it doesn’t even matter if the fictional source material originally had the character as another race. He just makes that fictional character his

so, use common sense and don’t be an asshole?

the fuck is this shit?

“Why do I even watch this fucking sport?”

because these sites (is it still the gawker universe?) have decided that this kind of criminal behavior is acceptable. they tend to pick and choose sides without any discretion. trash sites, all of them