
An S2000 of either generation is probably the one car that is LEAST in need of any mods as they are damn near perfect from the factory, especially with suspension and steering.

My wife’s cousin has an S2000 she named Vivian. Every time I visit I ask if she’s willing to sell Vivian to me.

In the real world of daily driving, I’ve found cars that pass the moose test are more desirable than track cars.

I own it.  Seen here at BottleRock last weekend.

So, I know they love to make things sound fancy...

I’ve driven my 1987 convertible to Italy and back. In 2021. For a road trip, you kind of have to treat it like a motorcycle in some ways. Wearing motorcycle ear plugs made it so much better at highway speeds. They filter out the wind noise and leave most of the rest. On the German Autobahn I cruised at 180 with peaks

You just don’t love freedom enough.

You could put the Isetta in the bed and have the worst of both worlds.

Ah, the joys of the hardtop convertible. 

I mean, it’s back there somewhere.

Any cheap-ass used shitbox that David Tracy buys and asks you to pick up for him. Just Ask Torch.

Is that how you got your name?

I know there will be all sorts of obscure cars and modified this or that... but for a high volume (and modern) car it’s the Wrangler. Yes, people love them, and yes, they are capable for a specific purpose. But, driving a lot of highway miles in one is simply awful. To be fair, any highway miles in one isn’t very fun.

26' moving van.

I don’t think it’s about cramped or spacious - it’s about reliability. If you sit there worried that your car will break down in a foreign area with terrible mechanics who will scam you - you won’t enjoy your trip

It feels weird to be just a commenter again! :)

Very sorry to see you go, your enthusiasm and passion for cars always shone through in your writing, which is sadly rare in this business.

Good luck and good wishes, I have a vision of a big old bus towing a string of smart cars around the Midwest

I like your optimism.

The forensic accountants are going to be working overtime.  I hope all the executives end up in Federal prison.