H.A.R.B. (formerly two wheels are enough)

I have one simple task for all of you: DO NOT THINK ABOUT ELEPHANTS.

Irene is almost on top of us! Quick, get to the store while you still can and stock up on whiskey, vermouth and bitters so you can down Manhattans while Manhattan dro—

I want this to happen so badly. I'm tired of paying Cox Cable $65 a month for standard service (no lower tiers available in my area) and only watching half a dozen stations. If Apple keeps this up I might have to actually start using their products instead of just owning stock...

So, tell me: how do you fit a 12"x12" square CMOS sensor on a 12" diameter wafer?

So, if the vehicle is not a tank but actually an armored personnel carrier, why does the title read "Tank"? Anybody? Anybody? Bueller? Anybody?

The BMW 2002 (and pretty much the entire "New Class", including the 1500). These cars are arguably responsible for the proliferation of sports sedans, and we all know how much we like sports sedans.

That, and this.

Lighter, more power, more efficient, stiffer, better aero, and still beautiful. Well done, Porsche engineers.

A bicycle. Cheap to buy, insure, and maintain. Very fuel efficient. Easy to find parking almost anywhere. And it forces those lazy undergrads to get some exercise. Unfortunately it doesn't eliminate the possibility of them getting a DUI.

"or saturate an area with fire for extended periods."

I'm reserving judgement until I see better pictures, but taking more design cues from the current 5 is a step in the right direction.

Not a chance in hell. No way this is worth $10k more than the new sticker price. I wouldn't even pay sticker price. Don't care how bulletproof it is. The seller has obviously been hitting the crack pipe hard when he/she set the reserve over $10k above sticker.

It's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden stop at the end.

Moral of the story: if you really care about the safety of your family, put them in a commercial truck.

Let's just hope the car has fewer stretch marks than she does.

Rick Astley never gave up, either.

Not with those wheels.

The ONLY way to fix this problem is require the speculators to put up more of their own money to get in the game. Every time the margin requirements went up (so the speculators couldn't used as much borrowed money) oil prices have dropped. Right now they can play on the market with almost no risk because they don't

WTI crude oil ended the day at $98.58/barrel, and has been in an uptrend for the last week and a half, even after the IEA announced the 60 million barrel release. Demand, speculation, and fears of a dwindling supply will keep oil prices high for the rest of the summer and the forseeable future. Gas prices may drop