H.A.R.B. (formerly two wheels are enough)

Isn't Hugh Hefner a little old to be driving?

I'd be willing to be there is an extra engine hiding in the back of the car somewhere, and the exhaust system of the rear engine is mated to the exhaust of the front engine where the passenger would sit.

They brought the wrong vehicle.

The ginormous rear wing is 10^6 times more visually offensive than the chrome body. The rest of the shiny, shiny car would be right at home in GT5 (if the game were ever going to be released).

The laws requiring more and more "safety features" to be added to new cars, effectively resulting in model bloat. I'm all for airbags, but I don't need 37 of them in a small passenger car, thank you very much.

Is the crane OK?

@Dezerus Richardson: It probably wouldn't have that warm sound that vinyl is known for.

"Save the LP670-4SV's" just doesn't have a nice ring to it.

I almost fell asleep waiting for that damn thing to open. The novelty of having that giant camouflaged garage door must have worn off instantly when the owner saw how slow it was. Engineering fail.

Wait, THIS state is getting the new F1 track?!

Unnecessary steering wheel is unnecessary.

Really drunk passengers (I had one throw up all over my dash in 2007). Hitchhikers. Smoking. Country and hip-hop.

Dear Dan Neil,

This title made me think of XKCD:

@electricarchie: In college I lived in my fraternity house, which was a really old ranch house built in the late 1800's. We did a lot of construction/remodeling, and anytime we had to open up a wall we either found something inside or left something in there for the next guy to find. Good times.

This happened to a buddy of mine: he found a wrench in his engine bay after taking his Civic to a Honda dealership. Luckily the wrench didn't knock or fall into anything important.